The Ricardo Prize Scholarship for 1900-01 with an income of $350, will be awarded for the greatest ability and promise in economics, to a candidate who is now a member of the University and will next year be a member of the Senior class or of the Graduate School. Candidates must submit to Professor Taussig, chairman of the Department of Economics, not later than May 15, 1900, a statement of their previous studies and also any written work done by them. They must also take an examination, to be held not later than June 1, at which each candidate will be called upon to write, in the examination room, an essay on a topic chosen by himself from a list not previously announced, on economics and political science. The incumbent of the scholarship must carry on his studies under the supervision of the Department of Economics, devoting the greater part of his time to economics and political studies, and giving special attention to the problems involved in the relations of the state to industrial enterprise.
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Graduates' A. A.