
Illness in the University during the Year 1898-99.

The following is a part of the official report of illness in the University during the year 1898-99. Compared with the previous year, there is a larger grand total, which is due to the increased miscellaneous diseases, especially during the months of December and January. There is, on the other hand, a decrease in two special directions, contagious diseases and injuries. The report say the latter is due undoubtedly to "more intelligent management of athletics."   Sept.  Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  Jan.  Feb.  Mar.  Apr.  May  June  Total Colds, etc.,  0  64  179  215  232  123  133  106  96  5  1153 Typhoid fever,  0  2  1  1  0  0  0  0  1  0  5 Measles,  0  0  0  0  1  4  12  18  12  1  48 Mumps,  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  2 Headache,  0  2  9  10  9  8  27  17  42  2  126 Overwork,  0  0  1  0  3  0  0  1  0  2  7 Injuries,  0  19  17  9  6  7  12  13  9  1  93 At Home, etc.,  1  4  8  18  9  7  7  0  0  0  54 Miscellaneous,  1  90  122  90  82  82  271  297  171  11  1217 Total,  2  181  337  343  343  231  462  452  332  22  2705

Cases carried over from preceding month (not included in body of table,  0  2  25  64  137  54  82  63  70  5  502 Grand total,  2  183  362  407  480  285  544  515  402  27   Sept.  Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  Jan.  Feb.  Mar.  Apr.  May  June Number days illness,  2  625  1678  2358  2243  2243  2847  2313  1562  89 Average days confinement,  1  3.4  4.7  5.8  4.7  7.9  5.2  4.5  3.9  3.3 Average number ill at one time,  07  20.2  55.9  102.5  77.3  80.1  91.8  96.3  50.4  2.9 Maximum number ill at one time over three days,  1  39  103  144  86  110  109  113  58  15 Number who went home,  -1  47  86  137  116  74  70  180  53  7 Number who stayed in Cambridge,  1  134  251  205  226  155  386  260  267  15 Number non-contagious diseases in Cambridge,  1  133  244  205  226  155  386  260  267  15 Number contagious diseases in Camb.,  0  1  7  1  1  2  6  12  12  0 Av. number ill at one time in Camb.,  .03  14.7  39.3  51.8  36.8  44.3  65.8  51.0  35.1  1.7 Maximum number ill at one time in Cambridge over three days,  1  25  60  66  49  56  65  68  39  11

Visits to students--students out  355 Visits to students in rooms,  944 Consultations at L. S. S.  1397 Total consultations,  2341
