The American Historical Association held the final session of its fifteenth annual meeting last Friday at Cambridge. "Foreign Relations" was the general subject for the morning session which was held in Sanders Theatre. Among the papers read on this topic were, "Democracy and Diplomacy," by Professor S. M. Macvane '73; "The Mexican Question of 1847-8," by Professor E.G. Bourne of Yale University; "The Government of Foreigners," by Professor John Bach McMaster of the University of Pennsylvania, and "The Samoan Question," by Baron Spech von Steinberg, of the German Embassy.
In the afternoon a reception was tendered to the members of the association in Memorial Hall. Later a tea was given by Radcliffe College at Fay House, where Miss Alice Longfellow read a paper entitled, "The History of the Craigie House, Sometime Headquarters of George Washington."
Following the receptions of the afternoon a business meeting was held in the Fogg Art Museum. The following officers were elected: President, Edward Egleston; first vice-president, Moses Coit Tyler; second vice-president, Charles Francis Adams '56; secretary, Herbert B. Adams; assistant secretary and curator, A. Howard Clark; treasurer, Clarence W. Bowen; secretary, church history section, Samuel Macaulay Jackson; executive council, Hon. Andrew D. White, D.D., Charles Kendall Adams h. '86, Hon. William Wirt Henry, Henry Adams '58, Hon. George F. Hoar '46, Richard S. Storrs h. '59, James Schouler '59, George P. Fisher, James Ford Rhodes, Professor W. A. Dunning, Professor Albert Bushnell Hart '80, Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller h. '91, Professor George Burton Adams, Professor A. C. McLaughlin, Hon. Peter White.
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