
Brown Game.

The second hockey game with Brown will be played on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Since the defeat by Harvard last week, the Brown team has been strengthened in many directions and a close game is expected. The line-up will be as follows: Harvard--Laverack, Goodridge, Hoxie, Beardsell, forwards; Hardy, coverpoint; Vanderpool, point; Russell, goal. Brown -- Cooke, Pevear, Bartlett, Phillips, forwards; Low, coverpoint; Steere, point; Chase, goal.

The 1900 hockey team defeated the Juniors for a second time, Saturday afternoon, on Spy Pond, by a score of 3 to 1. As in the first game, neither team was ahead at the end of the regular two halves and it was necessary to play a third half. The game was closed when two more goals were made by the Seniors in rapid succession. The line-up of the teams was as follows: 1900--Clement, Drinkwater, George, Parker, forwards; Farrington, coverpoint; Carpenter, point; Goodridge, goal. 1901--Milne, Hart, Coolidge, forwards; Evans, coverpoint; Coyle, point; Hyde, goal.
