The subscription started in the spring of 1898 for the purchase of the late Professor James Russell Lowell's collection of books in the Romance Languages has finally reached the required amount and the books have been transferred to the Gore Hall Library.
At his death, Mr. Lowell bequeathed to the College Library all of his books which were not to be found on its shelves, but the greater part remained in the hands of his heirs; and these latter are the ones which have just been bought. There are 700 volumes which are handsomely bound and in many cases very difficult to procure. The subjects treated are of a very wide scope, but the strength of the collection is in the number of mediaeval French works which it contains. In addition, though in fewer numbers, are included works in mediaeval Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German, a few in later Latin, and in the language of Provencal.
As soon as the books have been catalogued, they will be removed to the Romance Languages Library in Warren House, where the combined collection, numbering 1200 to 1300 volumes, will hereafter be known as the "Lowell Memorial Library of Romance Literature." A surplus of $70 remains after the purchase, which, it is hoped may be kept as a permanent fund. The income will be used for buying new books for this library and for rebinding old ones.
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Memorial and Randall Halls.