The annual day of prayer for colleges was observed in Boston by a meeting yesterday of workers in the various college societies. Reports were read showing what the colleges and universities in New England are doing in religious work. Professor F.G. Peabody '69 stated that a renewed religious activity has been manifest at Harvard since the establishment of the Phillips Brooks House. Mr. Henry D. Wright of Yale, reported that sixty five per cent of the total enrolment of Yale University are church members, and from Williams College it was reported that out of 378 students sixty per cent are active members of the Y. M. C. A., and 150 more men are associate members. It was announced at the meeting that the next international meeting of the world's student Christian Federation would be held in France this year. The federation at present comprises 1300 societies and 55,000 students in the various colleges and universities of the world.
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Memorial and Randall Halls.