The remaining lectures on Shakespere by Mr. Henry Austin Clapp will be given in Sanders Theatre, beginning at 8 p. m. on the following dates:
Friday, Jan. 19.--Twelfth Night; Friday, Jan. 26,.--King Lear; Wednesday, Jan. 31.--Hamlet.
The floor seats and sections C, D and E of the first gallery will be reserved for students of the University until 7.55 p. m.
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Communication.Recommended Articles
University Calendar.Friday, Jan. 12. *Divinity School. Devotional Service with Sermon. Mr. A. R. Atwood. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 p. m. *Lectures upon
University Calendar.Sunday, Jan. 14. Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Rev. Robert MacDonald of Brooklyn, N. Y. Week-day morning prayers begin at
Mr. Clapp's LectureMr. Clapp will give his two remaining lectures on Shakspere tonight and on January 31. The subjects will be King
University Calendar.Friday, Jan. 26. Lectures upon the Dramas of Shakespeare. V. King Lear. Mr. Henry Austin Clapp. Sanders Theatre, 8 p.
WILL DISCUSS "KING LEAR"Professor George Lyman Kittredge '82 will give the fourth lecture in his series on. "The five tragedies of Shakespeare" at