Three committees to have charge of the production of the German play have been appointed as follows: Committee on arrangements, composed of Professor Bartlett, Professor von Jagemann, Dr. Bierwirth, Dr. Schofield, W. W. Lawrence 1G., and H. B. Stanton '00. This committee will attend to the arrangement of seats, printing and sale of tickets, and possible entertainment of the company. the committee on performances is made up of Professor Schilling, Dr. Poll, Mr. J. F. Coar, R. M. Wernaer 2G., D. F. Carpenter '00, and A. Washburn '00, and will have charge of the staging and of the appointment of ushers, and will also decide whether there shall be music. The literary committee, which is composed of Professor Francke, Professor Kittredge, Mr. Nichols, L. G. Demeter 1G., A. G. Fuller '00 and F. E. Bissell '00, will prepare a special edition of "Iphigenie" with an English translation, will influence the press, and attend to the programme and posters.
Tickets for the play will be $2.00 and $1.00. There will be no dress rehearsal.
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