The following are the squads and times for the Freshman crew candidates:
3.30 squad--Knowlton, Parsons, Bryant, Dickinson, Endicott, Williams, Souther, Dowse, Mann, Storrer, Bent, Thornton, Smith, Goldsmith, Corbett, Rotch, Lovering, Binger, Child, Littig, Greenough, Gade, Little, Brown, Loring, Jr., Heard, Blaikie, Jennings, Pier, Hartwell, Nickerson, Wright, Bigelow, Boardman, Stanwood.
4.00 squad--Bard, Notman, Heycock, Barton, Dupont, Peabody, Bigelow, Clark, Adams, Krumbharr, Whitridge, Ames, Riker, Harding, Wiggin, Stevens, Crowell, Roberts, MacDonald, Swann, Downs, Wolcott, Fitz, Graydon, Mather, Mason, Coventry, Foss, Koole, Ames, C. H. Whiting, Thomas, E. C. Whiting, Kellogg, Abbott.
4.30 squad--Boylston, Ruhl, Houghton, Spencer, Jones, Foster, Wolcott, Ayer, Abeles, Stone, Clark, Tenney, Page, McGrew, George, Switzer, Ronimus, Derby, Bartlett, Boutell, Gray, Lloyd, McGlensey, Chadbourne, Lomax, Deland, Moore, Dexter, Kingsbury, Hanavan, Piper, Appleton, Roberts, Roche, Bowditch.
5.00 squad -- Burgess, Judson, Clark, Cummings, Bray, Saint-Gaudens, Forbes, Mason, Thomas, Monks, DuBois, Streit, Hall, Atwater, Piper, Foster, Randolph, Jackson, Wells, Weed, Fernald, Trainer, Foot, Pumpelly, Bean, Daggett, Safford, Wright, Warland, Percival, Starr, DuBois, Pulsifer, Martin, Mead, Hill.
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