To all men connected with Harvard, as well as to strangers, the new and thoroughly revised "Official Guide to Harvard University," will doubtless prove very useful on account of its accuracy and completeness. Mr. W. G. Brown, Deputy Keeper of University Records, who edited the Guide for the Memorial Society, has re-written entirely the first edition which was prepared and published in August, 1898 for the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The present edition, however, contains many additional illustrations. To the account of the founding of the University and its present departments, an historical sketch of the College Yard, and a long detailed description of the grounds and buildings, there has been added a brief account of student-life. The new chapter touches upon dormitories, Soldiers Field, the main athletic interests, the College papers, Commencement and Class Day; and gives a clear exposition of the miscellaneous clubs, particularly of the social ones.
The Guide is published by the University. It is bound in heavy red paper and contains one hundred and forty pages. Price fifty cents.
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