To judge from the first week's preliminary practice, the prospects of this year's Yale eleven are bright, with certain qualifications. Of the twenty-eight old players, who were asked to report early, Captain McBride, Townshend, Brown and Stillman, are the four members of the '98 'Varsity who will be able to play again this year. Coy and Hubbell, ends, and Kiefer, halfback, are reported as conditioned in their studies. Four reliable players, however, are considered a strong nucleus.
In the probable make-up of the eleven, Cunnha, who played on the Freshman eleven, may be counted upon to fill Cutten's place at centre. For right guard, the three prominent candidates are Brown, the left guard's younger brother, who has played on the Groton school eleven the past two years; Gaylord, the former Lawrenceville guard; and Young '01, who was on last year's scrub. It is in filling right tackle, ex-Captain Chamberlin's position, that the most difficulty is anticipated. Not only are the candidates for it players of little experience, but they have shown nothing more than mediocre skill. Consequently, some new main from the incoming class will probably be developed. This will not be the case on the ends, especially if Coy and Hubbell can come out to compete with. Ordway, Van Wicklen and Schweppe. Back of the line, Sullivan at quarter and Dudley and Townsend as backs are at present the most promising men to run with McBride at fullback.
Of the men who will have charge of the team, W. T. Bull, the old fullback, who is at present coaching the men back of the line, is expected to be made head coach. His attendance, however, at the Yale Medical School, presupposes that at any rate he will be with the 'varsity throughout the season. His efforts will soon be powerfully seconded by Thorne, the '96 captain, by Murphy, the '97 captain, and by Butterworth, the '95 fullback. James Robinson, who has long been engaged in athletic work, will have charge of the training of the eleven.
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