
"Harvard Teams, 1898-1899."

Among the many accounts of intercollegiate competition there will soon be conspicuous a neat, unpretentious folio of about sixty pages, entitled "Harvard Teams, 1898-1899." The editors, W. B. Wheelwright '01, and A. M. Goodridge '00, have dedicated their book "To the successful Harvard teams of the College year 1898-1899." The chronologically arranged accounts of the athletic, debating, chess and whist teams are supplemented by eleven cuts, with that of the 'Varsity football team as a frontispiece. Football, baseball, the track and rowing are all mentioned with some detail, and the other reading-matter is concise and to the point. It is especially pleasing to note that the book is unmarred by advertisements. Copies of the folio, which is bound in crimson cloth and from the press of Oliver B. Graves, Cambridge, will probably be on sale Thursday. Price $1.00.
