
Graduates' Magazine

The September Graduates' Magazine is largely concerned with the events at the close of the last academic year. In addition to a full report of the Commencement proceedings, the Phi Beta Kappa oration delivered by C. J. Bonaparte '71 entitled "Our National Dangers, Real and Unreal" is printed complete. "Town and Gown in Old Times" is an account of incidents in student life at Cambridge over fifty years ago, and "From a Graduates' Window" is an unsigned comment on indiscriminate Class Day cheering in which the abolition of the "three long Harvard's is urged. Dr. Darling contributes a summary of an exhaustive report on his investigations of the physiological effects of training on the crew last year. His conclusions are that the following points should be borne in mind in laying out a course of training: first, not to throw too much work upon the muscles, and especially upon the heart, until they are strengthened by preliminary work; secondly, to watch the nutrition carefully; and thirdly, to avoid nervous fatigue by providing a certain variety of exercise, and by not confining the attention too closely to the approaching contest. Professor Hart continues his usual readable and suggestive comments on the University under the heading of "Advancing Responsibilities," and the Student Life is written this year by F. E. Boswell '00. Athletics, news from classes, departmental reports, etc., complete the number.
