The debate which was held last night between the Senior Wranglers and the Boston Y. M. C. A. Congress, resulted in an easy victory for the Wranglers. The Harvard men spoke in order as follows: P. A. Atherton, E. E. Sargeant, and M. Seasongood. The question of the debate was "Resolved, That the English claims in the present controversy in the Transvaal are justifiable." Harvard supported the affirmative, and twelve minutes were allowed for opening speeches and five for the rebuttals. Hon. Michael J. Murray presided, and the judges were Hon. Henry S. Dewey, Hon. D. L. V. Moffett and Hezekiah Butterworth, Esq. The best speech was made by M. Seasongood, who brought out his arguments very forcibly, and was quick in detecting the weak points of his opponent.
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