The Senior class will meet in Lower Massachusetts tonight at 8 o'clock to discuss the report of the committee appointed last Monday night. This report has been submitted to President Burden, and is printed below for the information of members of the class.
1. That the Australian ballot system be adopted.
2. That the election be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, and Friday, Dec. 15.
3. That the officers, namely: Marshals, Secretary, Poet, Ivy Orator, Odist, Orator, and Chorister, be elected the first day; and that the Committees be elected the second day.
4. That a Promenade Committee, to have charge of the Senior dance, be added to the list of Committees.
1. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. each day.
2. ELECTORS. (a) Candidates for A.B., B. S., and fourth year specials in good standing who have not participated in any previous Senior class election. Doubtful cases will be decided by the Office.
(b) A provisional list of voters, compiled by College officials, will be posted on Saturday, Dec. 9, at Memorial, Randall, Leavitt & Peirce's, and in the CRIMSON office.
(c) Any person whose name does not appear on the provisional list must, in order to be entitled to vote, send a note setting forth his claims to eligibility, to the chairman of the Committee on Class Election, T. H. Whitney, CRIMSON office, before 9 p. m., on Monday, Dec. 11. The final list of voters will be posted Wednesday, Dec. 13.
3. NOMINATIONS: (a) Nominations may be made for any office or committee on petition of twenty voters and no more. The following form is recommended.
"We, the undersigned members of the class of 1900, desire to nominate A. B. for ---- ----
"Signed, ---- ----"
(b) No person can run for more than one office and one committee. If nominated for more than one office and one committee he must withdraw the additional nominations.
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