
Lectures by Harvard Men at Cambridge Y. M. C. A.

In the second annual course of literary and scientific lectures given under the auspices of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A., the following will be given by Harvard men: December 11, Professor C. P. Parker, The Rome of St. Paul's Days; December 18, Mr. C. T. Copeland, Readings from the Historical Plays of Shakespeare; January 8, Professor H. K. Schilling, Early Teutonic Life; January 15, Professor F. W. Taussig, The Currency Situation; January 22, Professor J. H. Wright, A Famous Greek Painting (illustrated); January 29, Professor L. E. Gates, Books which are no Books; February 19, Professor G. P. Baker, The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist; March 5, Rev. C.C. Everett, Buddha and Buddhism; March 12, Dr. F. N. Robinson (subject to be announced.)

Admission tickets may be had on application to members or at the office of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A.
