
Registration of Universities

The Graduates' Magazine contains a table showing the registration at the ten leading American universities. The total registration is as follows: Harvard 5250, Michigan 3346, Columbia 3083, Yale 2688, Pennsylvania 2651, Cornell 2645, Wisconsin 2025, Chicago 1680, Princeton 1194, Johns Hopkins 632. The increase over the registration of last year at Columbia is 246, at Michigan 242, Cornell 203, Harvard 199, Wisconsin 199, Princeton 95, Chicago 32, and Johns Hopkins 5. Yale has 20 students less than last year and Pennsylvania 78 less.

Harvard has 1897 students in arts and 496 in sciences, Yale 1228 in arts and 569 in sciences, Princeton 686 in arts and 363 in sciences, Pennsylvania 392 in arts and 302 in sciences, Cornell 666 in arts and 765 in sciences, and Columbia 443 in arts and 444 in sciences.

Michigan has 1742 students in the advanced departments, Pennsylvania 1690, Harvard 1685, and Columbia 1510. Michigan has the largest law school, 800 students, Columbia the largest medical school, 755, and Chicago the largest divinity school, 205.
