
Fact and Rumor.

A petition, for a students' skating rink has been submitted to Professor Hollis and, in accordance with the suggestion, the rink will be put on Soldiers Field, provided the funds for building it can be raised.

Mr. James Stillman, of New York, who gave the $50,000 for the new infirmary and the land on which it is to be built, has offered to contribute annually for four years the sum of $2500 towards he support of the institution.

At a meeting held last Monday afternoon the Harvard Educational conference was formed, and the following officers were elected: President, E. R. Downs 1G.; vice-president, O. D. Evans '00; secretary and treasurer, C. s. Moore 1G.

A practice cross-country run was held yesterday afternoon with about twenty-five men participating. H. W. Foote 2Dv., was in charge of the runners. The course led down Putnam avenue, across to Longwood Bridge, by Beacon street, Harvard Bridge, and back to Cambridge by Massachusetts avenue. The break was made on Broadway at the top of Dana Hill. H. B. Clark '01, won the break, with H. S. Knowles '02, second. As this was only a practice run, no prizes were given.
