

Class Day Suggestion.

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

A few years ago, in '97 I believe, the Seniors established the custom of holding an exclusive Senior ball the evening before "Class Day." The custom has been observed by succeeding classes; and I believe has been quite successful. In the three years past the dance has been nominally in charge of the regular Class Day Committee. Perhaps, in a sense, it is connected with Class Day; but it is not a Class Day affair, and does not come on Class Day. Further, and much more important, the management of Class Day proper is ample work for any committee of three. Indeed, this fact has been so well recognized hitherto, that the Class Day Committees have promptly delegated the actual management of the promenade to a subordinate committee.

I would submit to the consideration of the present Senior class, the desirability of dignifying the management of the promenade by the regular election, by the class itself, of a "promenade committee." I recognize that any class may well hesitate before making further innovations; that there is a natural desire to preserve the few traditional features still existing in undergraduate affairs. But as a matter of expediency, there certainly is fully as much justification for such a committee as for the existence of a "Photograph Committee." The election of a promenade committee would enable the Seniors, as a class, to confer recognition on three more of those classmates, whose prominence in the widening range of student activity which has accompanied the growth of the classes, fully merits such recognition. '98.
