Mr. Epes Sargent Dixwell '27 died at his home on Garden street, Cambridge, on Friday afternoon, at the advanced age of ninety-two. While at College his room-mate was Cornelius C. Felton, afterwards president of Harvard, and among his class-mates were Edmund Quincy, former president Stearns of Amherst, and Bishop Lee of Delaware. In 1833 he was admitted to the Suffolk bar, but he soon gave up the law to become head-master of the Boston Latin School. During the fifteen years in which he served in this position, he came in contact with a most remarkable set of boys. A few of them were Mayor Quincy of Boston, Rev. Dr. J. W. Thayer of the Divinity School, J. Q. Adams, Russell Sturgis, Professor J. B. Greenough, Robert Treat Paine, Sr., Colonel H. L. Higginson, Justin Winsor, Phillips Brooks, and President Eliot.
In 1851 Mr. Dixwell left the Latin School and established a private school on Boylston place, where he taught for twenty years. Senator Lodge and Governor Wolcott were among his pupils. He gave up his work as a teacher in 1871, and retired to his home in Cambridge, where he had been living up to the time of his death. Mr. Dixwell was one of Harvard's oldest graduates.
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