Christmas day is a holiday in all departments of the University. On New Year's Day, only the libraries will be open.
The hours during which the College buildings will be open during the recess are announced as follows:
The Gore Hall Library will be open for the delivery of books and for the use of readers from 9 to 5.30. Reserved books may be taken out at 5 o'clock. The library in Harvard Hall will follow the regular hours, and the reading room of the Law School will be open from 9 to 4. The libraries in Warren House will be closed at 5.30.
The hours for exercise at the Gymnasium will be from 11 to 1 and from 3 to 5.30.
At Memorial Hall the same hours will be in force that are observed for meals on Sundays. The hours for meals at Randall Hall will be regulated by the number of men who sign the blue-books.
The Co-operative Society's store will be open from 8.30 to 12 except on Christmas and New Year's day.
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