
Freshmen Defeat Worcester

A team from the Freshman Debating Club defeated the Worcester Classical High School at Worcester last night. The question was the same as that of the Princeton debate. The Harvard speakers, C. H. Scovell, A. Black and J. D. Williams, excelled in form and analysis of the subject and their rebuttal was particularly good. For Worcester, J. T. Madden, W. E. Prince, and F. J. Rooney based their arguments on England's claim to suzerainty and her right to demand a reduction of the franchise requirements. The Freshmen showed that Great Britain had neither special rights under the conventions nor general rights in international law to interfere, and that the Transvaal was willing to make some concessions. Williams' speech in rebuttal was the best of the evening. The judges were General Rockwood Hoar, Colonel Samuel E. Winslow, and Honorable Charles G. Washburn. W. M. Chadbourne '00 has been coaching the team.
