
Plans for Semitic Museum

The plans for the new Semitic Museum have finally been decided upon. The building will be of three stories and will be erected on Divinity avenue, about seventy feet south of the Peabody Museum. The frontage will be eighty feet and the depth fifty-two feet. The front door will open into a hallway fourteen feet wide, which will extend through the entire building. To the right of the hallway will be a large lecture room, fifty by thirty feet, with a seating capacity of two hundred and fifty. To the left will be another lecture room, thirty by twenty-four and one-half feet, and behind this will be a library of the same size. In the rear will be a two-story projection. A space, seventeen by nineteen feet, on the right of the hall, is intended for the curator's office, and that on the left will be occupied by the staircase. On the second and third floors will be exhibition rooms, seventy-four by thirty feet, lighted from the north and south sides only, in order to avoid cross lights. In the second story of the projection will be a small lecture room, and in the basement will be the store rooms.

The exterior construction has not been definitely decided upon, but it will probably be of brick to harmonize with the neighboring museums.
