Debating at Yale this year is on a more substantial basis than ever before. All the debating organizations in the university have united under one head called the Yale Debating Association. About a month ago a meeting was held under the auspices of this association at which President Hadley and Professor Sumner made addresses on the history and advantages of college debating. Among the objects of the Yale Debating Association is the bringing about of a series of debates between various college debating organizations in order to afford opportunities for public speaking, which have heretofore been lacking. Hitherto the various debating organizations have been more or less in conflict, but, under the new system, they will all work together with the Yale Union as the central organization of the University. At the meetings of the union, parliamentary law is strictly observed and a careful record of each meeting is kept. This year a great deal of enthusiasm has been manifested by the members of the union and the sharpness and vigor of their debates show that Yale has plenty of good debating material. Compared with the meetings of the union, the debates of the Senior, Junior and Sophomore Wigwams and the Junior and Sophomore Wranglers are very informal. The Freshman Union bears the same relation to the freshman class that the Yale Union does to the University. The Sheffield Union is the central debating association of the scientific school, the Kent Club of the law school, and the Leonard Bacon Club of the divinity school.
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