To the Editors of the Crimson:
Permit an undergraduate, who has cheered the football team during his four years in College, to enter a protest against the distribution of tickets for the Yale game by the football management. Certainly undergraduate holders of season tickets have a right to expect better seats than those in the corners, on the ends, or on the Yale side. It seems as if, with 34,000 seats at its disposal, the management has been injudiciously liberal in its disposal of tickets to "old players, coaches and members of the 'Varsity team" and perhaps to others not mentioned in the CRIMSON'S announcement yesterday of "Yale game seats." On what equitable basis can it be explained why 375 of the best seats should be given in advance to the Freshman squad, to men who at best should not have more than one or two tickets each, even if they should rank ahead of season ticket holders.
When season tickets are sold, moreover, as they now are, to any one from Chelsea to South Boston we must expect such mercenary methods as have been seen on Soldiers Field this year. At the Carlisle game especially one person is known to have used five season tickets time and again, taking in parties of four, collecting the tickets and going out for another expedition. In addition, this same man can get Yale seats on his season tickets and sell them at a premium.
Although it may not reflect discredit upon the management, one's dissatisfaction at the allotment of seats is strength- ened by a rumor that a member of the 'Varsity squad is offering to sell tickets at a premium. If each member of the squad is allowed more tickets than he can use for his friends, why should not the number given each be limited so as to allow those who have consistently supported the teams a fair chance to see the most important game of the season from an advantageous position. SENIOR
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