

Daniel Dee Burnes L. S. '74.

Daniel Dee Burnes, L. S. '74, died last Thursday morning at Ayr Lawn, near St. Joseph, Mo. He was born in Ringgold, Mo., Jan. 4, 1851, and after a public school education, entered St. Louis University. After graduation he entered the Harvard Law School, from which he graduated in 1874 with high honors. He afterward traveled extensively in Europe and other foreign countries, finally settling down to practice law in St. Joseph. He was nominated for Congress in 1892 and elected by a large majority. At the expiration of his term, he refused a re-nomination and retired from public life, living at Ayr Lawn until the time of his death.

Jerrie Knowlton Phillips M. S. '85.

Dr. Jerrie Knowlton Phillips M. S. '85, died last Sunday night. He was born in Bangor in 1858, and after preparing for college at Phillips Andover Academy, entered the Harvard Medical School and took a four years' course, graduating with honors in 1855. After two years service as interne at the Massachusetts General Hospital, he went to Germany for study, and was afterwards interne at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. In 1888 Dr. Phillips went to Bangor, where he was engaged in the practice of his profession until his death.
