The game today begins promptly at 2 o'clock and the gates will be opened at 12.
The following information concerning car service on the day of the game is taken from a circular sent out by the Graduate Manager:
"GOING. -- From Bowdoin Square: Special cars will run every two minutes, I. To Soldiers Field via West Boston Bridge and Western Avenue. II. To Harvard Square via West Boston Bridge.
From North Union Station: Special cars will run every three minutes from North Union Station to Harvard Square via Causeway St., Craigie Bridge and Cambridge St.
From South Union Station: Special cars will run every three minutes from the South Union Station to Harvard Square via South, Kneeland and Boylston Streets and Harvard Bridge.
From the Subway: Special cars will run every minute from the Subway, I. To Soldiers Field via Harvard Bridge and Western Avenue. II. To Harvard Square via Boylston street and Harvard Bridge.
From Park Square: Special cars will run every two minutes from Park Square to Soldiers Field via Boylston Street, Harvard Bridge and Western Avenue.
RETURNING: -- Cars return to the above points by the reverse of the same routes.
The cars running via Western Avenue come very near to Soldiers Field, and this route is the most convenient way to reach the Field for persons coming from Boston. The management recommends the Western Avenue cars, in preference to those running to Harvard Square.
In addition to the street car service the Boston & Albany railroad will run a special train to Allston, starting from the South Union Station, Boston, at 1.15 p. m., and returning after the game. The Allston station is about ten minutes' walk from Soldiers Field.
On the day of the game no carriages will be allowed on North Harvard Street from Mt. Auburn Street in Cambridge to Western Avenue in Boston between the hours of 12-5. Between these hours, the streets both in Cambridge and Boston leading to Soldiers Field will be closed to all vehicles.
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