In the practice game against the second eleven yesterday afternoon, the first eleven scored four touchdowns and one goal from the field in twenty-three minutes play. There were few fumbles by the first eleven, but many by the second. The tackling in general was poor and the men had no success in following the ball. Great effort was made to perfect team play which resulted in good pushing in the line plays. As Hallowell was slightly injured and Campbell did not go into the line-up, the work of the ends was weak. The kicking by Sawin, however, was good, especially a pretty goal from the field. Reid also was kept out of the practice by a sore on his kicking foot. Ellis's principal fault was in mixing up the interference. There was less offside and holding than usual.
Sawin scored the first touchdown after a run of 30 yards. The next two were made by Ellis, by short plunges within the tackles. Many end runs netted long gains. Warren then ran the ball to the 40-yard line, and Ellis carried it across the line in three plays through the centre.
The coaches who helped in the practice were Dibblee, Lewis, Merriman, Forbes, Cranston, Mason, Haughton, Cabot, Adams, Fairchild, Wrenn, Bouve, J. H. Hayes, B. H. Hayes, Norton Shaw, Sullivan, Cozzens, Beale, B. Holden and S. Crosby.
Trainer McMaster has been engaged by the Naval Academy at Annapolis through Paul Dashiel to train the eleven for the game with West Point in Philadelphia on December 2. The Athletic Committee has given its consent and McMaster will leave for Annapolis on Monday.
The line-up follows:
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