For the last time before the Pennsylvania game, the practice today will be open after 4 o'clock in order to give the College an opportunity to judge the team which will play its first championship game in a few days. The practice tomorrow will again be secret.
The coaches are satisfied with the work of the secret practices, and, with the entire squad in good physical condition, the outlook is encouraging. The new signals, which were tried for the first time on Monday, went fairly well yesterday, but the players are expected to be entirely familiar with them before Saturday. All the trick plays are developing well and add materially to the first eleven's offense. The defense yesterday was again effective and now needs further strengthening in individual points alone.
The practice yesterday was hard and satisfactory. In spite of the slippery condition of the field, no one was hut. The wet ball, however, aggravated the old habit of fumbling. Daly and Hallowell were again in the game, but did not play throughout the practice. Fincke again played well, but is of course below the standard of Daly. The whole team tackled poorly, and failed to follow the ball, and the backs were still slow. The forwards, however, started more quickly than on Monday. The line will soon be in its final shape with Boal able to play. He will take part in this afternoon's game for the first time since he was injured in the Amherst game three weeks ago. Coach Waters is making particular efforts to bring Lawrence up to a higher standard of play. He shows little improvement in defensive work, but as he is capable of good football, the hard coaching he is receiving should make him a strong point in the line.
The line-up yesterday:
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