
Fall Track Work.

All the members of the track team which competed last summer in England, and which also formed the nucleus of last year's Mott Haven team, except Roche and Fox, are back in College, and all are eligible to compete again. There is some doubt, however, whether Burke's health, which has been poor all summer, will permit him to run this year. The team is very much strengthened by the return of D. Grant M. S., who was absent last winter, but still has one more year to represent Harvard according to the intercollegiate rules. Although he injured his ankle last spring, he has since run one-mile and five-mile races in his best form. It is too early yet to make any estimate concerning the Freshman candidates for the track team, but there seems to be some very promising material, especially among the distance men. There are a good many men now with the Freshman football squad who will later try for the weights.

During the last week of October there will be the usual fall handicap games, and if there are enough entries from the new men, there will probably be Freshman scratch games also, held during the same week. The object of these games is more to develop new material than to give training to former members of the team, so that all men, whether they have ever taken part in track athletics or not are urged to come out. There are now between sixty and seventy men in training, and more are joining the squad daily.
