
Class Football

The fall work of the class football teams began Monday afternoon, when seventeen candidates for the 1901 eleven had light preliminary practice on Soldiers Field. The men were coached in falling on the ball, in tackling, and in breaking through. Eleven of the candidates had experience on their class squad last year, so that the practice was of fairly good order.

The Seniors came out for the first practice yesterday. Their work was similar to that which the Juniors had the day before. The twelve men who reported are as follows: D. Scott, A. Sturgis, E. Cook, E. W. Howard, T. M. Shaw (temporary captain), E. Heard, R. B. Wiggin, H. W. Welch, R. Pulitzer, H. S. Coffin, A. F. Gotthold, C. M. Brown.

The Sophomore class is the last one to put a team in the field. A meeting was called for last night to elect a captain in order that practice might begin today. So few men attended the meeting, however, that the election could not be held. It was decided to call another meeting, to take place in Apley Court Gymnasium on Thursday night. Preliminary practice will begin the day after.
