
Fall Interclub Rowing

Everybody is now pretty well convinced that the success of Harvard rowing depends on the success of the two boat clubs. In order to turn out good material for the University crew and to make rowing on the river as interesting as possible, the interclub competition should be as close as it can be made.

Last year there was an attempt to start the Newell Club, but the attempt failed because no competent coach could be found who could and would give the matter sufficient attention. This summer a man was found who, if he is acceptable to the officers of the club, will doubtless prove satisfactory. The club has a number of eights and fours which have been put into condition this summer; so that the facilities and accommodations are now fairly good. Therefore all that is required is that the members of the University shall take enough interest in the matter to see the undertaking through.

Two sets of races have been arranged; the first of which is to be between the class crews at each club at the end of October, and the second between the respective graded crews of each club shortly before Thanksgiving. The Newell Club is to have a meeting tonight at 7 o'clock, and it is hoped that all people who are interested in its success will attend.
