The game between the Freshmen and St. Mark's at Southboro yesterday resulted in a tie, 5 to 5, each side missing the try for goal after the touchdowns. In the first half the Freshmen in less than five minutes scored by line plunges. During the rest of the half the Freshmen had a little the best of it, but were unable to score again, although Stillman barely missed a goal from the field. In the second half, St. Mark's gained repeatedly around Harvard's left end. On the five yard line, however, the Freshmen obtained possession of the ball on downs, and Stillman punted well out of danger. A moment later St. Mark's missed a goal from the field. The ball was brought out to the fifteen-yard line and Stillman made a long punt, but the Freshmen forwards were slow in getting down the field, and King for St. Mark's succeeded in rushing through the whole Freshmen team for a touchdown. St. Mark's missed a difficult try for the goal. During the rest of the half the Freshmen played better, and succeeded in advancing the ball to St. Mark's fifteen-yard line before time was called.
The Freshmen line-up follows:
Bowditch, Macdonald, l.e.; Pitkin, l.t.; Wright, l.g.; Sugden, c.; Riggs, r.g.; Fox, r.t.; Clark, r.e.; Daly, q.b.; Knowles, Hersey, l.h.; Leonard, r.h.; Stillman, f.b.
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