
Senior Wranglers.

The Senior Wranglers met last night in Harvard 1 to arrange details for the year's work. It was decided to have two series of debates, one each half year. The side loosing a majority of the seven debates in the first half-year is to furnish an entertainment for the winning side. After mid-year's, new captains are to be elected, new sides chosen and another series of seven debates held. The loser of this series is to pay two-thirds of the expense of a dinner to the club.

Sides for the first half-year have been chosen as follows:

Seasongood, Alexander, Bauer, Becker, Bowers, Chandler, Collier, Dougan, Elliot, Frank, Gould, Hills, Kent, Nichols, Parsons, Rinehart, Sherbush, Sullivan, Tozzer, Wadleigh, Ware.

Whitney, Adams, Antisdell, Atherton, Ballantine, Benesch, Bond, Chadbourne, Clark, Dean, Evans, Everts, Fitch, Jewett, Locke, Maher, Morse, Norton, Sachs, Stevens, Wellington.

The first debate will be on Friday, November 3, on the question: "Resolved, That the tendency to combine is to be welcomed." Whitney's side has the affirmative, and Seasongood's the negative.
