For the first time in several years Harvard will play the Bates eleven this afternoon at four o'clock. Bates, who has this year turned out a stronger team than usual, played Yale ten days ago and was beaten twenty-eight to nothing. With the big games coming so soon, Harvard will play a substitute eleven today, but should make a good score.
The line-up will be: The practice yesterday was short, but possessed the necessary amount of spirit, and the line-men in particular played with more vigor than usual. Much attention was paid to punting, not only in the preliminary work, but also in the line-up that followed. Only one-half was played against the second eleven in which the first scored one touchdown and a goal from the field by Sawin. After the line-up Coach Dibblee carefully drilled the backs in the formation of interference. With both Campbell and Hallowell out of the practice the work of the ends was poor. As the second did not rush the ball at any time, the rest of the line had no defensive work. Eaton and Donald both played in yesterday's practice, and R.B. Merriman 2G., substitute tackle on the '96 team, was out for the first time. In addition to his quickness in following the ball, he played strongly in the line, and made a good showing against Swain. Donald was in excellent form. With Donald, Eaton, Swain, Lawrence, Merriman, Peyton, Lewis and Blagden to choose from, there is now little doubt but that the tackle positions will be well filled this year. Burnett is now able to play on the team and will probably, with Donald, be given a chance today. None of the constant changes in the back-field are permanent, or even significant. Gierasch has recovered from his slight injury, and Reid will play in the Brown game on Saturday. The line-up yesterday follows:
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