
Fact and Rumor.

The waiting list at Memorial is at present 421, 80 men having been recently admitted.

The house, shield and traps of the Gun Club are being moved farther back from the Speedway. The traps will be ready for use in a few days. Members are now using the Wellington traps.

The following men are trying for the position of assistant manager of the University crew: R. W. Goelet '02, J. E. Postlethwaite '01, C. H. Schweppe '02, R. W. J. Kingan '01, and W. Appleton '01.

The Cambridge Latin School Club held its annual meeting last night. The following officers were elected: President, H. H. Murdock '01; vice-president, N. W. Tilton '00; secretary and treasurer, A. M. Wyman '01.

At the last meeting of the trustees of Brown University it was announced that subscriptions to the $2,000,000 endowment fund now amounted to $525,000, and that John D. Rockefeller has agreed to give $250,000 in addition, conditional upon the raising of $1,000,000 by June 1, 1900.


Professor Goodale, who is now in Germany buying apparatus for the Cryptological Library, has conferred with Mr. Blaschka and expects to secure new specimens of glass flowers for the Museum.

The following Juniors are trying for the position of assistant manager of the track team: G. H. Tower, H. R. Brigham, W. B. Wheelwright, E. J. Samson, T. Gerrish, H. C. Force, M. Wentworth, C. W. Moore, H. B. Clark.

The following men are candidates for business manager of the Lampoon: 1901--R. D. Swain, H. B. Clark, H. L. Shattuck, E. Petus. 1902--A. T. Baker, R. W. Goelet, G. O. Carpenter, J. W. Davidge. 1903--R. E. Binger, S. Burton, A. Gray, H. S. Martin, L. J. Hibbard, J. L. Peabody, C. H. Derby.

A new system of student government has been adopted at Amherst College. The captains and managers of the athletic teams and the officers of the Phi Beta Kappa society constitute an executive committee to represent the student body before the faculty.
