
Mr. Copeland's Voluntary Classes

As in previous years, Mr. Copeland will this year conduct voluntary classes in reading and speaking. He will meet Graduates today at 12, in Sever B; Seniors and Juniors on Tuesdays at 12, in Sever 1, and on Wednesdays at 11, in Sever 2; Sophomores on Wednesdays at 12, in Sever 1; and on Wednesdays at 11, in Sever 2; Sophomores on Wednesdays at 12, in Sever 1; Freshmen on Thursdays at 11 and 12, in Sever 1; on Fridays at 11, in Sever 11; on Fridays at 12, in Sever B.

On alternate Fridays at 3, in Sever 5, Mr. Copeland meets a class of Law students for work of a sort to be determined by a majority of those who are present at the first meeting, on October 20. This class is open to all students of the Law School.

Men who cannot come at the times appointed for them, may make other arrangements by seeing Mr. Copeland.
