
"Common Room" in Divinity Hall.

A room has recently been fitted up in Divinity Hall which is to be known as the "Common Room." This is a feature of college dormitories which is new at Harvard but which has for some time been prominent at Oxford and Cambridge in England.

The primary idea of the "Common Room" is to furnish a place where the occupants of Divinity Hall may gather for social purposes. The rooms are furnished with taste and several paintings will soon be placed upon the walls. A large number of newspapers and periodicals will also aid in making this a popular resort for the divinity students.

The "Common Room" was fitted up through funds given to the Faculty by Rev. John W. Quinby who graduated from the Divinity School in 1871. A tablet will be put up to his memory. The rooms were formally opened last Wednesday evening with a reception to the members of the school.
