The entries for the fall chess tournament are unusually many this year, thirty-one men in all having signified their intention to play. For the preliminary round these men have been divided into five sections, in which each man will play a one-game match with all the others, making his own arrangements for the matches. The results of these games must be handed in before October 21. The two men in each section winning the largest number of games will be qualified to enter for the final round. No prizes will be offered this year, as the object of the tournament is to pick a team for the intercollegiate contest which will take] place in New York this fall.
The list of sections follow:
Section I.--F. G. Hopkins '00, E. P. Dewes '02, R. W. Quigley '02, C. H. Wyman Sp., E. Heard '00, G. R. Ainsworth '03, P. Adams '03.
Section II.--W. G. Clerk '01, C. G. Montross '02, H. Kellog '03, E. H. Abbott, Jr., '03, A. C. White '02, A. E. Landry '01.
Section III.--C. T. Rice '01, A. Dodge '02, J. O. Carson '02, P. W. Long Gr., A. R. Campbell 1L., A. G. Fotch '01.
Section IV.--E. R. Perry '03, P. Bancroft '03, J. J. Peckham '00, E. B. Barnes '03, B. F. Nourse '01, P. K. Kersey '03.
Section V.--F. E. Thayer '01, R. M. Davis '03, J. P. Hogan '03, E. R. Davol '02, A. Friedman '02, R. A. Wood '03.
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