
Books by Professor Hart.

The third volume of "American History Told by Contemporaries," by Professor A. B. Hart, will be published this fall. It covers the period of National Expansion from 1783 to 1845. Like its predecessors, the present volume has an apparatus of bibliography and introductory matter, a brief characterization of the writers, and a thorough index. The final volume of the series will be "Welding the Nation." Another book by Professor Hart, which will be published shortly, is "Colonial Children," the first volume of a series of "Source Readers of American History." This volume is intended for children, and the extracts illustrate many entertaining facts of colonial life and customs, as well as some of the most interesting episodes of colonial history. The extracts are rewritten in modern form, so as to offer no puzzles of grammar or spelling, but preserves the racy and often humorous flavor of the old writers. Special pains has been taken to select extracts which will set forth the amusements, pursuits and interests of children, both white and Indian. The publishers are Macmillan & Co.
