
First Number of the Lampoon.

The first issue of the Lampoon well describes its purposes by the editorial statement that "without the Freshmen Lampy would have nothing to talk about in its first number." There is little that would interest the upper classmen where conventionalities are so predominant.

Two editorials are addressed to Freshmen and are, in short, attempts to cover lack of wit by an abundance of words. The third editorial, on last year's victories, like the others, has no spontaneity and is neither good nor bad. The specimen lecture again appears under the heading of "Phonographic Marvels" and in this case is an excellent summary of peculiarities which are, however, well known. The "By the Way" is the wittiest piece in the number, and "The America's Cup," for a sustained effort, is very readable.

The centre page picture, an illustrated map of College, requires close study for a complete understanding. It reminds one of the explanatory maps to Wm. Morris's Tales. The explanations are familiar to most of us, but it must not be forgotten that the page is intended for Freshmen. "Some of our advocates for good roads" would be better placed in any other paper than the Lampoon where a collegiate air is perhaps essential. The pictures of the Yard on the nights of the Sophomore-Freshman rushes are executed with skill, especially the first one, and the small drawings could well be increased in number as they contain much merit.
