

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

Would it not be an appropriate action for Harvard men to join as a body in the welcome which Boston and Massachusetts will extend to Admiral Dewey on Friday and Saturday? On account of his many engagements during his limited visit it would be preposterous to ask him to come to Cambridge. We must therefore go to Boston and the most convenient time seems to be Friday evening. The students can form a torchlight annex to the parade which the Admiral will review at the Hotel Touraine immediately after his arrival. It is especially important that Harvard men should do something definite for Harvard is the first of the Universities to be honored with a close visit.

But is must be remembered that if a parade is decided on, Harvard should be represented by at least 2000 men, and to bring this about there must be immediate action on the part of undergraduate leaders. Undergraduate.
