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A large number of men headed by the drum corps, went down to the river yesterday afternoon to cheer the crews before they left for New London. The 'Varsity rowed a few short stretches in front of the boat house and then took a longer stretch down to the railroad bridge and back to the float. The crew has been having very light work since Saturday, as the men have been down in weight and have not been feeling very well. In spite of this, the boat has become much steadier during the last week, the men are catching better and rowing the stroke out in better form.

The Freshmen had very light work yesterday also. They rowed six short stretches and then came in.

As the crews landed at the float, M. Donald '99 and B. H. Dibblee '99 led the cheers which were given for Mr. Lehmann, Mr. Willis, the captains and the individual members of the crews.
