HISTORY 13.- Last conference for papers, Wednesday, June 8, Harvard 2, 9.30 to 11 a. m.
HYGIENE I.- Practical Examination. Schedules are posted in the laboratory and members of the course must sign immediately to secure convenient times.
G. W. FITZ.ENGLISH C.- The remaining late forensics will be returned in Sever 10 today (Tuesday) from 4 to 5.
ENGLISH 22.- Theme 15 may be examined on Tuesday at 1.30 in Sever 11.
LEWIS E. GATES.ENGINEERING 6A.- Corrected problem books may be found this morning in L. S. S. library.
J. A. BUTLER.HARVARD DINING ASSOCIATION.- Students who wish to retain their places on the waiting list of the Harvard Dining Association must fill out application blanks, before Commencement Day. Blanks may be procured at the Auditor's office.
NOTICE TO SENIORS.- English A: Members of this course during the academic year 1894-95 may obtain their themes in Sever 1, Monday and Tuesday, June 6 and 7, 9-5.
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