
Graduates' Gift to the Cruiser "Harvard."

The committee of Harvard graduates appointed to raise a fund to purchase a gift for the auxiliary cruiser "Harvard," has collected the amount needed and authorized Commander Charles O'Neil, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance of the United States Navy to mount upon the cruiser, at the first opportunity, a six pounder Nordenfeldt gun with mount, shield and accessories. A plate attached to the gun will bear the Harvard seal and the following inscription:

"Given to the United States of America, A. D. 1898, by graduates of Harvard University, for use on the auxiliary cruiser 'Harvard' U. S. N."

The excess of the fund collected will be given to the Massachusetts Volunteer Aid Association. The set of colors that has been purchased by the undergraduate subscription will be forwarded to the cruiser as soon as she can be reached. The loving cup has been finished and will be put on exhibition in the CRIMSON window tomorrow or Thursday.
