
Applications for Seats on Observation Train at New London.

Applications for seats on the observation train at New London on June 22 will be received from any graduate or member of Harvard University until 9 p. m. Monday, June 13. All men who have subscribed to the 'Varsity crew this year to the amount of $3 are entitled to apply for one seat before the general applications are filled. Those who have subscribed $5 are entitled to subscribe for two seats in the same way. Such subscribers' applications must be on regular blanks and will not be received after Saturday, June 11, at 5 p. m. Subscribers must use the general applications for all additional seats. Blank applications may be obtained after 1 p. m. today at the CRIMSON office and at Leavitt and Peirce's. They may also be obtained at the various clubs in Boston. New York graduates will be supplied through the Harvard Club in New York.

The price of each ticket is $2.50. Special arrangements for transportation to and from the race will be made.
