

Proposal for Harvard Military Camp at Boxford this Summer.

At a meeting of the commissioned officers of the drill companies, Tuesday evening, a committee was appointed to ascertain the practicability of going into camp for two weeks, for the purpose of getting complete instruction in all branches of infantry drill and experience of camp life.

The committee has found that the State will allow the use of Boxford Camp, which is the regular camp of the 2nd Corps of Cadets. This camp is provided with a mess house, board floors for the tents, rifle butts, bathing facilities, etc. There are two large fields well adapted for drill of all kinds. The situation is cool, and the camp is in every way desirable.

The uniform will consist of a blue blouse, blue trousers, campaign hats, gaiters and white duck trousers and white gloves for dress parade.

The riffles, bayonets, belts and cartridge boxes will be supplied by the University.

The total cost, including uniform, transportation, ammunition, food and lodging, will not exceed fifteen dollars per man for the two weeks. Under ordinary conditions the cost would be from twenty-five to thirty dollars, and it is only through the kindness of the State and some of the graduates that the cost is so small.


No attempt to go into camp will be made unless at least 130 men sign. This plan has the thorough approval of President Eliot and other members of the Faculty, and to make it a thorough success, there should be from 250 to 300 men in camp.

Encampment begins Monday, June 27. Seniors will be given leave of absence for Commencement.

Blue-books have been placed in Memorial, Foxcroft and Sanborn's; all men who desire to go into camp (whether they have drilled before or not) are urged to sign before June 14. Any man desiring to find out any further particulars may do so by applying to any member of the committee.

