
Nominees for Overseers.

A statement has been issued by James P. Parmenter '81, secretary of the standing committee of the Harvard Alumni Association, announcing that the vote for nominees for the office of Overseer, to be voted for on Commencement Day, June 29, has resulted in the selection of the following ten candidates, who received the highest number of the 2017 ballots cast, and whose names will accordingly be placed on the official ballot at Commencement:

1853, Robert Samuel Rantoul, Salem; 1858, Winslow Warren, Dedham; 1860, George Everett Adams, Chicago; 1861, Norwood Penrose Hallowell, West Medford; 1862, Henry Shippen Huidekoper, Philadelphia; 1866, Moorfield Storey, Brookline; 1869, Austen George Fox, New York; 1869, Francis Henry Appleton, Peabody; 1872, William Caleb Loring, Boston; 1877, Sigourney Butler, Boston.

The vacancies to be filled on Commencement are five for the full term of six years, in place of Henry Lee, George Everett Adams, James Coolidge Carter, Stephen Minot Weld and Moorfield Storey, whose terms of office expire on Commencement Day. Of these, Henry Lee and James Coolidge Carter have declined to serve again; Stephen Minot. Weld is ineligible; and George Everett Adams and Moorfield Storey are eligible for re-election. The names of the ten candidates will be placed on an official ballot in the form of the Australian ballot.
