

[Special dispatch to the CRIMSON.]

FROM THE PRESS BOAT, NEW LONDON, June 22.- The intercollegiate boat race between Harvard, Yale and Cornell which was to have taken place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock has been postponed until 12.30 tomorrow on account of unfavorable conditions. At two o'clock this afternoon it looked as if the race would certainly be rowed. There was a clear sky and light wind from the west. The observation train and big steamboats, crowded with spectators, moved up to the start. At the same time the Cornell crew put out from their quarters in the launch, and with the shell in tow started for Red Top, the quarters of the Harvard crew. From the press boat it could be seen that the Harvard crew were getting down their boat and had shipped their oars preparatory to starting the race. Over at Gale's Ferry there was no sign of life. The Yale crew remained quiet, giving no indication of any intention to move. A few minutes before the time set for the start, heavy clouds loomed up in the northwest and the wind shifted to that quarter, stirring up a nasty, cross sea. It began suddenly to rain in the east, and in a short time a heavy storm was raging that made any attempt at racing impossible.

The referee called the race until 4.30 o'clock. By that time the water was fairly smooth and a steady breeze blew down the course. Courtney refused, however, to permit his crew to race, although Harvard and Yale were both willing. The race was accordingly postponed until 7 o'clock. At that time the storm had lifted and the sun shone out clear and strong. The change in the tides necessitated the race being rowed up stream, and everything was in readiness. No crews, however, appeared at the start, and it was finally announced by the referee that the race would take place tomorrow at 12.30 o'clock.

Many of the spectators who had come down to see the race left in disgust, but others staid over and as a result the town tonight is filled with excitement and overflowing with strangers. All is quiet at the Harvard quarters but an unusually strong feeling of confidence is evident among the men which prophesies well for the race tomorrow.
