

(Continued from first page.)

the score of 2 to 1. It was this game that developed Hayes's pitching and gave the men the necessary confidence in themselves.

Since the Pennsylvania game the makeup of the nine has been considerably changed and the result has shown such a change justifiable. Lewis and Sears of the second nine were tried at first base and left field respectively in place of Foster and Lynch, who was substituted for Rand after the latter's injury. Notwithstanding the loss of Rand and the reversal of positions the 'Varsity defeated both Brown and Holy Cross by heavy hitting and clean fielding. Since the Holy Cross game, Harvard has been having very light practice, which owing to the graduate coaching has done much to round off the defects of the team.

With one exception the team is in excellent condition. Rand will start in the game but if his knee prevents him playing the game out Chandler will go into centre field.

Following are the batting orders of the two teams:


Harvard. Yale.

Loughlin, s. s. 2b., de Saulles.

Burgess, r. f. 1b., Wadsworth.

Rand or Chandler, c. f. c. f., Wear.

Haughton, 2b. P., Greenway or Fearey.

Reid, c. r. f., Wallace.

Robinson, 3b. s. s., Camp.

Lewis, 1b. 3b., Hazen.

Sears, l. f. l. f., Eddy.

Hayes, P. c., Sullivan.
